Friday, October 8, 2010


For what ever reason, Huck has no interest in actual dog toys.  Random objects are far more entertaining to him.  For instance, today, he found a hard plastic cup.  Even though I tried to distract him with squeaky toys, he only wanted the cup.  Other favorite objects are my socks, sneakers, paper towels, hair clips, water bottles, and 12-pack boxes.  Each provides hours o' fun...  Well, more like minutes o' fun.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Huck in Photos

8 Weeks

8 Weeks

12 Weeks

12 Weeks

Huck - 18 Weeks

How this came to be...

Huckleberry P. Hound is a 4 month old black and tan Bloodhound.  More specifically, he is an 18 week old, 38 pound tornado.  Everywhere Huck goes, he creates chaos.  In the past two weeks alone - Huck ran across the top of the coffee table, drank milk out of a cup on the end table (while perched on the couch's armrest), and was given charcoal at the vet after devoring medicine like it was candy. And let's not forget the toliet paper fun.  On walks he still tries to chase cars and trash days, with the ominious cans and black bags, are always comical as he tries to be tough while obviously scared.  I love that puppy, but everything is an adventure with Huckleberry.